
recycled-resource among the best at German Raw Materials Efficiency Award 2013 // Plastics recycling by Interseroh convinces jury

Cologne. Recycling without limits: INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH, a subsidiary of the environmental services and raw material supplier ALBA Group, is one of the top candidates for the German Raw Materials Efficiency Award 2013 with its innovative plastics recycling process recycled-resource. The award was conferred yesterday afternoon at a conference on resources at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Berlin. The Economics Ministry and German Mineral Resources Agency confer the award annually for outstanding achievements by creative pioneers of corporate strategies aimed at efficient use of resources. Interseroh was nominated in the category “Companies”.

The recycled-resource process manufactures plastic granulates consisting totally of post-consumer material in a quality that can substitute virgin material completely. Interseroh developed the special sorting and processing method together with the plastics industry in years of research work. “With recycled-resource, we have managed to break down the limits to recycling of plastic and to close the substance cycle completely and permanently,” says Eric Mendel, member of the management board of the ALBA Group responsible for the segment Services, to which Interseroh belongs. “The process has opened up completely new perspectives for sustainable enterprise and contributes to easing the strain on commodity markets.”

Since the waste plastic is sorted and processed solely within the ALBA Group without subcontracting, Interseroh is able to supply regranulates from the recycling process in previously unattainable quality specifically to customer requirements. A new study by the Fraunhofer institute UMSICHT shows that recycled-resource not only saves resources, but also helps to protect the environment. For example, industrial use of the regranulates recythen and procyclen releases substantially less harmful greenhouse gases into the environment than use of virgin material. Both regranulates stem exclusively from the collection of recyclable materials from households and industry.

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