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Facts and figures on circular economy in Germany

The most important facts on recycling at a glance

Climate protection, sustainability, resource efficiency. Keywords that we constantly come across and which no other industry represents better than the circular economy. Download here our poster and the graphics on the subject “Recycling in Germany”. The most important facts on recycling – from “Amount of waste produced” to “Zinc in mobile phones” – compiled just for you. The data is updated regularly.


Inhalt der Pressemappe "Zahlen und Fakten der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Deutschland"

1. Raw material imports in Germany

Source: BGR Resource Report Germany 2002, 2003; BGR Resource Report Germany 2018, November 2019 (PDF)

2. Amount of waste produced, including hazardous waste

Source: German Federal Statistical Office, 2021 (PDF)

3. More recyclables than residual waste

Source: German Federal Statistical Office, 2020 (PDF)

4. Export of lightweight packaging from Germany

Source: Umweltbundesamt [Federal Environment Agency], 2020

5. Use of recycled plastics in Germany

Source: Umweltbundesamt [Federal Environment Agency], 2020

6. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of the German waste management industry

Source: Umweltbundesamt [Federal Environment Agency], 2020

7. Worldwide oil consumption

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2021; OECD Umweltausblick 2030, 2008

8. Finite nature of raw materials

Source: Upper Austrian Future Academy "Finiteness of fossil raw materials", 2013 (PDF)

9. The mobile telephone as „raw material mine“

Source: BMU [German Federal Ministry of the Environment], Deutsches Ressourceneffizienzprogramm ProgRess III [German Resource Efficiency Program], 2020

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Here you can download the whole press kit “Facts and figures on the closed-loop recycling in Germany” including the graphics mentioned below as zipped file.


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